01985 216178
Show Garden - Gold medal winning and 'Best in Show'
A private, foliage garden with a place to sit, looking at a 2.4m high dripping wall with a floating misting unit at the base.
Prize presented by Tommy Walsh - previously of Ground Force fame

Part of the garden frontage

Talking with Tommy Walsh, after the presentation of the awards. About his mate 'Alan Titchmarsh'

Mother Earth at the entrance, welcoming you into the 'Gold Medal' and 'Best in Show' garden.

Stephen emerging from behind the foliage.

A floating mister/fogging unit in a pool, with a dripping wall as a backdrop.

A variety of plants that mark the exit path to the garden and the transition to a different style of planting.
Residential -Â Georgian Garden
The garden has been designed with a variety of different areas:
a peaceful retreat or socialising/meeting place, appropriate to the age of the property,
a large dining space with planting borders either side
an area where nature is reclaiming the garden - this area of the garden will develop significantly over the next two years.
Within these areas there are five different seating locations from which to view the garden even though it is only 4.5m wide and 28m long.

Looking down from the 2nd floor of the house at the 3 sections of the garden, one behind the other. The first is a more formal reception area, the 2nd is a dining area with a border at either end of the table and the 3rd is an area returning to nature with a fallen pillar.

Ground level, looking at the arbour, framed by the topiary and the two urns.

The path leading to the dining area. Accessed through the side of the Arbour.

One of the urns. Elevated a little to make them more in keeping with the height/positioning of the arbour.

A dining area for 10. Positioned between 4 squares of black pebbles set in the paving. Outside of the black squares the paving is used as a footpath.

The fallen pillar, mentioned previously, forming a simple water feature at the top of the garden.
Residential - Exotic Planting Scheme
A place for seclusion in an area of the garden that previously was not maintained.
This garden winds down a rustic path ending at a wooden hut where peace, seclusion and tranquillity prevail. It is mainly a green foliage garden with the odd splash of colour - green is the relaxing colour in the colour wheel.
- 'This is where I want to go at the end of each day. This is my perfect place'

A large range of foliage types and shapes, both large and small in varying shades of green - the relaxing colour in the colour wheel.

Simple planting to frame, support and contrast with the focal point. The dark matt foliage behind highlights the sculpture rather than competing with it for attention.

A large range of green foliage, with an additional splash of purple (top right). The floor in this area is concrete paving moulded to look like timber - which makes them safe when wet in what can be a shaded area.

A small sculpture in amongst a range of different sized foliage - keeping an eye on all the users of the adjacent footpath.

The small leafed Soleirolia soleirolii (Mind your own business, among other common names) creeping over the red local limestone. Providing a colour contrast and giving the impression of permanence and maturity.

A variety of leaves (again), but this time mixed with a couple of complimentary coloured flowers.
Residential - Rear Garden
Client's brief
Provide off road parking, as there is none to the front of the house
To use angles that reflect the shape of the house.
Wood is to be used in the design.
The off road parking is multifunctional and able to be used as a larger patio, if required.

The brown paviors provide the required off road parking for the client, but also provide a larger patio space when needed for entertaining. The paviors also create a colour and textural contrast to the adjacent areas of gravel and timber.

The timber edge to the decking is directional and provides a textural contrast to the gravel. It also provides a safety feature when on the deck, highlighting the change in level.

The flexible driveway edge with moveable contemporary stone planters.
Residential - Front Garden
The client specification was to provide additional space for parking and that there should be no straight lines.
Client comment - 'When I come home at night I round the corner and think, that garden looks amazing and then I remember it is mine.'

Sweeping paths of gravel providing textural and colour contrast. Whilst also creating dynamic shapes adjacent to the lawn. The paviors make an easy mowing edge to the grass.

Paviors set on a radius, cutting through the same style paviors laid randomly. The curve is a subliminal pedestrian access from the gates.

Paviors set on a radius, cutting through the same style paviors laid randomly. The curve is a subliminal pedestrian access from the gates.
The client's brief
provide privacy and shelter from the road and the wind.
To provide large areas of seating.
To provide colour.
The 50m Photinia hedge provides shelter from the road but colour interest for the road users as they pass.

Vibrant colour schemes adjacent to the seating areas.

Dynamic angles to block paving creating secluded seating areas for the canteen's customers. Vibrantly coloured walls complementing the stone and paviors, but providing interest for the canteen garden users.

A Photinia 'Red Robin' hedge providing screening of the road for the canteen garden clients, whilst adding colour interest for the road users, as they pass.
Turning your garden dreams into reality
'May I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the Garden produced by your self and our contractors. The garden is absolutely stunning and finished to an extremely high standard. This garden is a real credit to your company and all people involved have worked hard to produce it.'
..... 'all a wonderful testament to good will and a truly lovely project for all concerned - WELL DONE YOU!! I hope you are very proud of yourself - you should be... '
Georgian Garden
‘A wonderful use of angles and space to create the areas required" media, and provide any relevant details or descriptions.’
‘The design of the hard landscaping has made such a wonderful difference to the feel of the garden’